Ankara: Arrest of Greek Muslim spies in Rhodes is "baseless" and "biased"

By 2 years ago

After the sentencing of two spies in Greece, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed the charges were "baseless accusations" and the court came up with a "biased" decision.

On Wednesday, two Greek Muslims from Thrace were sentenced to prison - five years for the 36-year-old secretary of the Turkish Consulate in Rhodes, and four years for a 53-year-old  ship - but suspended.

"We condemn the sentencing of our contracted Secretary, who works at our Consulate General in Rhodes, to 5 years in prison on charges of so-called espionage," the statement said, referring to "baseless allegations."

The statement claimed that articles in the Greek press put pressure on justice to come up with this decision.

The announcement claims that during the procedure in the Mixed Jury of the Rhodes Court, all the basic principles of law were violated, accusing the court of "biased attitude."

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out that "for the protection of the rights of our staff, all necessary measures will be taken in the context of Greek and international law."

READ MORE: Turkish FM Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu claims Greece can lose sovereignty of the Aegean islands.

Panagiotis Savvidis