The Best Vasilopita Cake Recipe (GREEK NEW YEAR’S CAKE)

By 2 years ago

Vasilopita is a New Year's Cake, which can be either a cake or, as is tradition where I come from, a meat pie (Kreatopita or Kotopita).

A coin is discreetly placed in the pie, and, as per an old Byzantine custom,⁠⠀
we slice the Vasilopita. The person who finds the coin hidden in his or her slice gets good luck for the year.⁠⠀

On New Year’s Day, we would decorate the table and my father would sit in the middle. It was his job⁠ to turn the pie three times: once for the Virgin Mary, once for Christ and once for the house.

Following this, he slices a piece for everyone in the family, starting with the eldest. We would all then stab our piece to find the coin before devouring the amazing pie that Mum had made.

This is my recipe for Vasilopita (The cake of Agios Vasilis – the Greek name for Santa Claus):
