Archaeological find in Tyrnavos: A stone carved with Ottoman Scripture was found

By 1 year ago

A stone carved with the Ottoman Scripture from the year 1316 Hijra was spotted by a businessman in Tyrnavos in Central Greece, specifically on Mount Lousfaki.

According to Tirnavos Press, this is a rare archaeological find that was located 3.5 km from the first outpost in Lousfaki. Most likely it is a grave of a Turkish soldier, son of Aash and named Jalougar Ghouly aged 45.

Hijra is viewed by Muslims as the turning point, as Islam, from a small local and hunted idea became an official religion and gained power and authority.

Hijra, in addition to the beginning of time, also marks the beginning of Islam as a religion. 1316 Hijra began on 22/05/1898 and ended on 29/04/1899.

The Ottoman Turkish alphabet (Ottoman Turkish: الفبا) is a version of the Perso-Arabic alphabet used until 1928 when it was replaced by the Latin modern Turkish alphabet.

Although Ottoman Turkish was primarily written in this alphabet, non-Muslim populations in the empire sometimes used other alphabets, including Armenian, Greek, Latin, and Hebrew.

The photo with this rare archaeological find was sent by the online newspaper TP to a Turkish archaeologist to be translated.

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Athens Bureau