Greek NEWS

Rolex: Robbers Grab 23 Watches In 100 seconds And Escapred - They Left A Hammer Behind

Published by
Athens Bureau

It took the Rolex robbers less than two minutes to loot 23 expensive watches from the store's windows in Athens and disappear.

From the investigation inside the store by the police officers of the Attica Security Burglar Department, it was found, according to Proto Thema, that the four criminals acted with lightning speed, both during their invasion of the store and during their escape.

The robbery took place shortly after 10 am on Tuesday when the four criminals, who had their faces covered with helmets and surgical masks while also wearing gloves, arrived on two motorbikes in front of the Rolex store on Kolokotroni Street.

Taking advantage of the fact that at that time a customer was leaving the store and thus the security door was open, they approached the entrance and after hitting the security employee with the handle of the gun, they barged inside.

One of the perpetrators stayed outside while two of his accomplices smashed the windows containing the expensive Rolexes with a hammer. The fourth criminal was threatening the store employee with the gun. All of this happened in less than 100 seconds...

The robbers, after managing to grab 23 very expensive and rare Rolex pieces with lightning movements, got on the motorbikes and escaped towards Stadiou Street.

However, during their escape they left the hammer with which they broke the windows on the shop counter. Police are hopeful that this can help them track the robbers, along with the footage from the Rolex shop and other surrounding stores.

The hammer left by the robbers

The police officers handling the case have collected videos, while the testimony of the employee who stated that the perpetrators spoke Greek is considered important.

The value of the booty of the Rolex robbers is estimated at more than 200,000 euros, while the perpetrators seem to have known which window to hit.

However, the total value of the stolen items will be calculated by a special appraiser who was at the store yesterday, together with the police officers.

READ MORE: Eva Kaili admitted that she asked her father to hide money.

This post was last modified on December 21, 2022 7:39 pm

Copyright Greek City Times 2024
Athens Bureau
Published by
Athens Bureau
Copyright Greek City Times 2024