Fly Sydney, Australia to Athens, Greece for only $342 AUD one-way (Oct dates)

By 1 year ago

Cheap flights from Sydney, Australia to Athens, Greece for only $342 AUD one-way.

Sydney, Australia

Athens, Greece

Availability in October 2023

Example dates: 
14th16th18th20th21st23rd25th Oct

and more…



Click Here for the Deal

Here are 10 Greek islands that are popular for summer vacations:

  1. Santorini - known for its iconic blue-domed buildings and stunning sunsets
  2. Mykonos - a popular party destination with beautiful beaches
  3. Crete - the largest and most diverse of the Greek islands, with a mix of history, culture, and beautiful beaches
  4. Rhodes - a historical island with a combination of sandy beaches and charming old towns
  5. Corfu - an island with a combination of Greek and Venetian influences and beautiful beaches and resorts
  6. Zakynthos - an island with beautiful beaches, including the famous Navagio Beach
  7. Paros - an island with charming towns, beautiful beaches, and a laid-back atmosphere
  8. Hydra - an island with a rich history and a lovely, car-free town centre
  9. Kefalonia - an island with beautiful beaches, as well as caves and hiking trails to explore
  10. Naxos is an island with a mix of sandy beaches and charming villages, with a history dating back to ancient Greece.

Again, these are just a few options, and many other Greek islands could also be excellent for a summer vacation. It depends on your interests and what you're looking for in a vacation destination.
