Update on King Constantine’s health as his family remain at his hospital bedside

By 1 year ago

The last king of Greece, Constantine II, remains in a serious condition in a hospital but he has now been moved from intensive care.

The former monarch is in a ‘serious but stable’ condition and his family remains at his bedside, according to the latest reports on CNN.

Constantine, who is 82, has been in the hospital for five days. It’s understood he has suffered a stroke.

His wife, Queen Anne-Marie, and their five children are staying at his side throughout his continuing treatment.

His sisters, Queen Sofia of Spain and Princess Irene of Greece, also made their way to Athens to be with him.

In recent years, the King has struggled with his health and, among other things, has had several minor strokes and has battled a severe case of Covid-19. Concerns for his health grew when he didn’t attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022.

Constantine was King of Greece from 1964 to 1973. He was forced to flee into exile in 1967 and the Greek monarchy was abolished in 1974 after two referendums. Constantine II lived for many years in London with Anne-Marie and their five children before returning to Greece in 2013. The family home is now at Porto Cheli.
