Partly cloudy on Clean Monday - kite flying expected to colour the sky of Athens

February 27, 2023 6:02 am

Partly cloudy and southerly winds are forecast for Monday (Clean Monday). Wind velocity will reach 8 on the Beaufort. The weather conditions favour the transfer of African dust to Greece.

Clouds and scattered clouds in the northern part of the country with temperatures ranging from 08C-18C. Cloudy in the western parts with temperatures between 11C and 21C. Scattered clouds in the eastern parts with temperatures between 11C and 20C.

Scattered clouds in the Aegean islands and Crete, 13C-21C. Partly cloudy in Athens, 11C-19C; the same for Thessaloniki, 11C-17C.

Kathara Deftera, or “Clean Monday” — the beginning of Lent among Orthodox Christians — is the day Greeks fly kites (which are symbolic of the Resurrection) and go on picnics outdoors. The holiday is also the unofficial start of Spring for the Greek people.

Young people and adults organize excursions to open areas all across the country, so as to fill the skies with their traditional kites.

Tradition dictates that Athenians go to Filopappou Hill to fly kites on Clean Monday. The hill, near the Acropolis, is usually shoulder-to-shoulder with kids and their families, mostly attempting to fly a kite despite the crowds.

The atmosphere is always fun and festive, despite the sobriety of Lent.

READ MORE: The British ambassador to Greece wishes "Happy Lent" with dolmades and tsipouro.

