Basic Greek words and phrases for your holiday to Greece

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If you are heading to Greece this summer and not familiar with the Greek language, we have compiled a list of some of the most basic words and phrases you will hear a lot of, which will help you get by! 

Now don’t despair; most Athenians and locals on the Greek islands speak English. However, if you do get stuck or come across people who don’t speak English, here are a few keywords that will make your journey that little bit easier!

Hello:  Yiasou!

Goodbye: Yiasou!

Excuse me / Sorry: Signomi

Good morning: Kalimera

Good afternoon/ Good evening: Kalispera

Good  night: Kalinihta

Thank you: Efharisto

Please / You’re welcome: Parakalo

Yes: Ne

No: Ohi

Help: Voithia

Water: Nero

Food: Fagito

Tea: Tsai

Coffee: Kafe

Beer: Bira

Wine: Krasi

Ice cream: Pagoto

Sugar: Zahari

Milk: Gala

Bread: Psomi

Ice cubes: Pago

Meat: Kreas

Fish: Psari

Seafood: Thalassina

Chicken: Kotopoulo

Dessert: Glyko

Telephone: Tilefono 

Bus: Leoforio

Train: Treno

Taxi: Taksi

Beach: Paralia

Airplane: Aeroplano

Airport: Aerodromio

Hair salon: Komotirio

Beautician: Estitiki

Hotel: Xenothohio 

Shops: Magazia

Bank: Trapeza

Post office: Tahithromio 

Police: Astinomia

Hospital: Nosokomio

Doctor: Giatro

How are you?: Ti Kanis?

I’m well thank you: Kala efharisto

Come here: Ela 

My name is: Me lene

What is your name?: Pos se lene?

Chat later: Ta leme

Where is the bathroom?: Pou ine I toualeta?

Do you speak English?: Milate anglika?

Cheers: Stin Igia

Bon Appetit: Kali Orexi 

How much is it?: Poso kani?

What time is it?: Ti ora ine? 

I don’t understand: Then katalaveno

It’s hot: Kani zesti

It’s cold: Kani krio

I like it: Mou aresi

I love you: Se agapo 

This post was last modified on August 8, 2023 10:00 am

Copyright Greek City Times 2024
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Copyright Greek City Times 2024