Greek Foreign Minister Emphasizes Importance of Communication Channels with Turkey

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The Greek Foreign Minister underscored the significance of established communication channels between Greece and Turkey, emphasizing the potential for constructive dialogue between the two nations. George Gerapetritis spoke in an interview with the Greek diaspora radio station Greek Voice in Boston, highlighting the importance of this renewed avenue of communication.

He noted that both Greece and Turkey have governments with fresh mandates from their respective electorates, providing them with substantial political capital to engage in meaningful discussions. Gerapetritis stressed Greece's desire to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions, advocating for open communication even in the face of differences.

Furthermore, he mentioned ongoing talks between the two countries, focusing on various areas of cooperation, including addressing climate change and its consequences. The Foreign Minister suggested that once these discussions progress, Greece and Turkey can work towards resolving the main issue between them: the delimitation of maritime borders.

In September, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis reaffirmed the positive climate in bilateral relations during a meeting in New York. They also outlined a roadmap and timeline for upcoming contacts, including meetings of deputy foreign ministers in mid-October for political dialogue and a positive agenda, confidence-building measures in November, and the Türkiye-Greece High-Level Cooperation Council meeting in Thessaloniki on December 7th.

This post was last modified on September 26, 2023 4:08 pm

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