The Oldest Photo of the Acropolis: A Glimpse into Athens' Past

By 6 months ago

The Acropolis, the trademark of Athens and Greece as a whole, has been photographed numerous times over the years. Now, with the help of drones, the images are particularly impressive.

However, photos from the past always attract interest as they not only showcase the Acropolis but also provide a glimpse into what Athens, or parts of the city, looked like a century ago.

Moreover, it is even more intriguing to see the oldest photo of the Acropolis, which was taken 181 years ago. The artist behind this 1842 photograph is Josepf-Filibert Girault de Prangey, who was taught by Louis Daguerre, the inventor of Daguerreotype.

Although the quality may not match the ones you are used to seeing of the Acropolis, the photo from that era still manages to transport you to a different time.

This oldest surviving photo of the Acropolis was captured from the Hill of the Nymphs and the Observatory. It was taken in 1842, after the liberation of the Greek state.

The image of Athens and the Acropolis was vastly different back then, as the second capital of the new Greek state had suffered significant damage, particularly during the eleven-month siege by Kiutachi from June 1826 to May 1827. The Turkish garrison finally withdrew from the Acropolis fortress on March 31, 1833.
