Athens: A Promising Hub for Affordable Modern Office Space

By 7 months ago

Athens is one of Europe's most cost-effective capital cities for leasing modern office space. This affordability, combined with substantial investments in developing new, contemporary, and environmentally friendly office buildings and revitalising some existing structures, creates high expectations for the future.

These expectations extend to the possibility of attracting foreign corporations considering Athens as their headquarters location within Europe. This prospect carries significant implications for the office space market, the broader economy, and the additional value it can generate.

According to Dika Agapitidou, the head of JLL-Athenian Finance, there has been a recent surge in interest in renting office spaces in Athens, primarily from technology companies exploring Athens and other cities in the surrounding region.

Nonetheless, Agapitidou points out that several challenges persist, impeding the further enhancement of Greece's market appeal for foreign companies. These obstacles include the need for justice system modernization, eliminating bureaucratic barriers, increased taxes, and elevated employment costs.
