Turkish military expert proposes flooding Greece will illegal immigrants to stop F-16 upgrades

By 4 months ago

A Turkish military expert has proposed flooding Greece will illegal immigrants because of the Mediterranean country's armament program

A former ambassador on Turkish television channel SZC provided context as to why Greece has much more secured borders - Turkey's previous attempts to flood Greece will illegal immigrants resulted in European Union funding to construct fences and install CCTV cameras.

This comment prompted Retired Brigadier General Özgür Tör to suggest whether illegal immigrants could instead be taken to the Greek islands in an effort to stop Greece from upgrading its F16 fighter jet fleet to Viper class.

"If we send thousands of people (immigrants) in boats to the [Greek] islands, they cannot hold them. Instead of purchasing the F-16 Vipers, let them deal with the immigrants," questioned the Turkish military expert.

See the video:

It is recalled that Turkey purged their own air force (and temporarily replaced pilots with Pakistanis) in 2016, has been booted from the F-35 program, and US Congress is not allowing Turkey to upgrade its F-16 fleet.

Meanwhile, Greece is not only proceeding with upgrading its F-16 fleet to Viper class, but is also purchasing fifth-generation F-35 jets from the US.

READ MORE: Red Sea: Photos of the Houthi attack on the Greek-owned ship Zografia.

Paul Antonopoulos