Categories: Greek NEWS

US places restrictions on fighter jet sales to NATO allies Greece and Turkey

Published by
Kosta Papadopoulos

The US government is placing restrictions on the sale of fighter jets to  Greece and Turkey following concerns of "non-legitimate" use of US military equipment by NATO allies.

The concerns prompted the State Department to draft strict conditions for future deliveries, according to a document obtained by Kathimerini newspaper.

The draft letter, prepared at Congress's behest, lays bare the potential consequences for any nation caught misusing American-donated arms. It states that repeated border incursions against another NATO member or other "contrary" activities could trigger the suspension or even cancellation of deliveries.

This warning comes amidst simmering tensions within the alliance, particularly between Turkey and Greece. The document specifically mentions these two nations, highlighting concerns about provocative actions and underscoring the US commitment to ensuring legitimate equipment use.

Key provisions in the draft letter:

  • Clear purpose: US military articles must be used for legitimate defence purposes only, explicitly excluding aggression against fellow NATO members.
  • Consequence for misuse: In case of "repeated incursions" or other unauthorised activities, the US will seek diplomatic solutions first. However, failure to resolve the issue could lead to economic and political measures, including suspending or cancelling defense equipment deliveries.
  • Focus on Turkey and Greece: The letter specifically warns both nations against provocative actions, emphasizing the US will use all available tools to guarantee proper equipment use.
  • Transparency and consultation: The State Department promises to keep Congress informed about potential actions in case of misuse and consult them before taking any steps.
  • Future safeguards: Considering Turkey and Greece, the draft proposes exploring additional safeguards in future deals to prevent misuse and clarify prohibited activities.
  • Balancing act: The US reiterates its policy of avoiding arms races and maintains its commitment to ensuring equipment deliveries do not upset regional power balances or contribute to human rights violations.

This development signifies a potentially stricter approach to military aid within NATO. While the US remains committed to alliance security, it seeks to ensure its equipment is not used for unauthorised purposes and maintains regional stability. The final letter's contents and any future agreements with Turkey and Greece remain to be seen, but they will undoubtedly hold significant implications for the alliance's internal dynamics and regional security.

Copyright Greek City Times 2024
Kosta Papadopoulos
Published by
Kosta Papadopoulos
Copyright Greek City Times 2024