Adrianos Golemis: The First Greek Astronaut

By 2 months ago

Golemis has passed the European Space Agency test to become an astronaut, making him the first Greek to do so.

Adrianos Golemis has passed the European Space Agency (ESA) test to become an astronaut, making him the first Greek to do so.

Every year, 22,500 applicants apply for ESA's exams to become an astronaut

Only twenty-five make it through all three rounds. Golemis, who has worked for ESA as a doctor for years, has passed the first. 

''When I was younger, I used to think that the job I'm doing now, that is astronaut doctor, that this is something exotic, it's not for the Greeks, it's not for me, it's for geniuses," he told Euronews. 

"This is not the case. Effort, persistence, and of course, an inclination and I think we can get there."'
