Rebetiko: The Soulful Voice of the Greek Underworld

By 2 weeks ago

Rebetiko, the soulful music of the Greek underworld, arose in the early 20th century. Born in Asia Minor, particularly Smyrna and Constantinople, it arrived in mainland Greece with refugees fleeing the 1922 occupation.

These displaced people brought not just suitcases and memories, but a rich musical culture. By the 1930s, Rebetiko flourished in small tavernas, where the lamenting sounds of the bouzouki, baglamas, and laouto filled the air. People gathered to express their pain, fears, and nostalgia over cheap wine, the music both a cathartic release and a defiant challenge to their hardships. While a deep longing for lost homes (often Smyrna) resonated in the lyrics, there was also a spirit of resilience and a celebration of life's fleeting pleasures.

Rebetiko musicians playing bouzouki in a taverna

Rebetiko went beyond music; it was a way of life embodied by the mangas, the musicians who often hailed from the fringes of society. These performers wore fedoras, sported mustaches, and spoke a language laced with slang and short phrases. Their code of conduct and morals clashed with mainstream society. Often working-class with what some might call destructive habits, Rebetiko singers embraced drinking, smoking, gambling, and even drugs. These themes found their way into the lyrics, alongside stories of love and loss, hashish use, and the struggles of living on the margins.

Rebetiko faced censorship during certain periods, deemed too melancholic or rebellious by authorities. Yet, its influence on modern Greek music is undeniable. The raw emotions and storytelling tradition of Rebetiko continue to resonate with audiences today. Rebetiko is more than a genre; it's a powerful combination of culture, tradition, and the expression of deep social concerns.

In the meantime, dive into the world of rebetiko with this playlist curated by SNF Program Officer Spyros Alexopoulos. Listen through the Spotify playlist below.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.