Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Will Europe create its own military force after its experience in Afghanistan?

The crisis in Afghanistan is now being used as a justification for starting a process of militarization in Europe. The…

3 years ago

Panagiotopoulos: A strong defence is needed for a safe Europe

Defence Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos expressed his honour yesterday for assuming the Chairmanship of Defence Ministers of the European People's Party…

3 years ago

Berlin says "Nein" to Greece's request to freeze the sale of submarines to Turkey

Berlin once again refused Greece's request to freeze the sale of six German-made submarines to Turkey. According to sources used…

3 years ago

Panagiotopoulos spoke with his German counterpart - What was discussed?

The Minister of National Defence, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, had a telephone conversation with his German counterpart, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Recent developments in…

3 years ago