Arthur Spyrou

Greek National Tourism Organization is reopening its Australia branch

The Australian branch of the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) will reopen, Greek Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias and Australian Ambassador…

1 year ago

INVITATION: Summer camps in Greece for young Greek Australians announced

The Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs (GMFA) through the General Secretary…

2 years ago

It is snowing in Athens right now!

With the Filippos Storm bringing low temperatures and snowy conditions across Greece, it was yet to reach Athens until right…

2 years ago

Australian Ambassador Spyrou lays wreath on Remembrance Day at Phaleron cemetery

Australian Ambassador Arthur Spyrou laid a wreath on Remembrance Day at Phaleron cemetery, Athens. On Twitter, he said: Honoured to…

3 years ago

Dendias has luncheon with Ambassador's from "Anglo Five"

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias attended working lunch hosted by the Australian Ambassador to Athens, Arthur Spyrou. Also in attendance…

3 years ago

Australian Ambassador to Greece lays wreath honouring the ANZACS

The Australian Ambassador to Greece joined the Greek Deputy Minister of Defence  in laying a wreath at the Tomb of…

3 years ago

Arthur Spyrou appointed as the new Australian Ambassador to Greece

Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon. Marise Payne announced yesterday the appointment of Mr Arthur Spyrou as Australia’s…

4 years ago