Euclid Tsakalotos

Former Syriza Minister warns of more austerity

Former SYRIZA finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos warned that the Mitsotakis government was about to re-introduce austerity measures in order to…

5 years ago

Eurogroup eager to see the new Greek government’s economic programme

In a statement issued on Monday, Eurogroup officials said they are eagerly awaiting the Mitsotakis government new economic programme, while…

5 years ago

Greece's Finance Minister states that the new five-year bond "exceeded all expectations"

Greece has raised €2.5 billion from a five-year-bond, the country's first time tapping into the international capital markets for financing since…

5 years ago

Greek PM sends inviting message to investors in New York

Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, sent a message via webcast at the 20th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum…

5 years ago

Government not 'gambling' with casino licensing standards

Greece's Finance Ministry has announced a set of reforms concerning casino licensing and operations with an amendement to be tabled…

5 years ago

Key Ministers Keep Positions in Greek Cabinet Reshuffle

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced a reshuffle of his government on Tuesday, keeping key ministers in place while bringing in…

6 years ago

Greece writing new history: Finance Minister

Greece's Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos went on the defence of the Tsipras government in an interview published on Wednesday in…

6 years ago

Greek bailout programme exit unaffected by Turkey’s currency woes

Greece’s Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos said on Tuesday that Turkey’s troubling economy and currency woes will not affect Greece’s upcoming…

6 years ago