physical health

Daylight Saving Time: A Greek expert explains its effects on mental and physical health

The biannual time change was established in the 1970s for the spring transition, the so-called "daylight saving time", and is…

April 6, 2024

Why you need to prioritise good quality sleep

Aric Prather, a sleep scientist at UCSF says that sleep is so critical for so many parts of our body…

May 16, 2022

Why you need to prioritise good quality sleep

Aric Prather, a sleep scientist at UCSF says that sleep is so critical for so many parts of our body…

May 16, 2021

Olympic Runner Alexi Pappas opens up about her struggles with mental health

Greek-American runner and 2016 Olympian Alexi Pappas, recently opened up about her struggles with mental health during an interview with the…

January 4, 2021
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