Categories: Greek NEWS

Turkey has invaded and occupied Greek territory at Evros

Published by
Paul Antonopoulos

Turkish soldiers and police special forces have made a permanent presence within Greek territory and have camped in the pocket of Apiary at Feres to enhance their presence, according to Army Voice.

Initially, about 10 Turkish soldiers and police special forces set up a tent inside Turkish territory. even secured a photograph from the early days of their presence there.

But then these forces began to strengthen, reaching 35+ people, and entered Greek territory, in which they have proceeded to deforest.

As you can see in the below photo of the map, it is one of the many pockets formed by the river, which even Google maps shows as Greek territory.

To explain a little better, it is known that the Evros River that serves as the border on maps between Greece and Turkey sometimes shifts east or west, creating alluviums on both sides. Turkey refuses to acknowledge that some of the land on the eastern side of the Evros River still belong to Greece, even if the river changes its natural course.

Turkey has now decided to claim the land on the eastern side of the Evros for itself with its de facto occupation.

Recently, Greek Army Geographical Officers visited the area to study where the poles will be set up to expand the Evros dam, making it more difficult for illegal immigrants to cross into Greece.

According to information from, the Turkish side has persistently refused to present the information it invokes when it claims that it is Turkish territory and has ruled out any discussion on the issue.

It is customary between countries when there are border issues to be resolved, that discussions take place.

Turkey's refusal to provide the information it cites that supposedly proves the land is Turkish, reflects its intention to extract this piece of Greek territory for itself. For this reason, the armed Turkish police on Greek soil are increasing.

The presence of the Turkish Armed Forces shows Ankara's intention to create a military problem. Let's not forget that in December 1986 a serious border incident took place that led to the death of Greek soldier Zisis Karagogou.

It is the same area where two Turkish soldiers were arrested in 2018.

It should also be noted that in 1955, an agreement was signed between Greece and Turkey for the construction of anti-flood works, which provided for the alignment of a number of parts of the river.

Copyright Greek City Times 2024
Paul Antonopoulos
Published by
Paul Antonopoulos
Copyright Greek City Times 2024