COVID-19 vaccination schedules extended until midnight

April 23, 2021 10:38 pm

COVID-19 vaccinations will be extended to midnight every day of the week, according to an amendment tabled in parliament by the Health Ministry on Thursday.

The decision allows all major inoculation centers in the national health system to extend their vaccinations schedule until midnight.

This will continue until at least September 30.

It also affects vaccination booths at these Athens hospitals: Onasseio Cardiological Center, and the Areteion, Aiginitio, and Papageorgiou Hospitals (the latter, in Thessaloniki).

The amendment also releases scientists on experts committees from legal responsibility when expressing their opinions, or from the votes they cast during their duties.

Among other things, it also foresees that private medical facilities and laboratories may be called in to help with vaccinations, while it also sets out the daily compensation of staff during weekends and holidays.

READ MORE: Only 4% of deaths were people with at least one COVID-19 vaccine: Arkoumaneas.


This post was last modified on April 23, 2021 10:39 pm
