Greek celebrities put on their jackets, gloves and... heels to enjoy snowstorm Elpis

By 2 years ago

Despite the onslaught of the Elpis snowstorm, that has been affecting most of the country since Monday, Greek showbiz and celebrities have not hidden away from putting on their jackets, gloves and... heels, to have fun in the snow.

From Eleni Foureira drinking wine in her snowy yard with a white bathrobe and heels, to the twin daughters of Sakis Tanimanidis and Christina Bompa who saw snow for the first time, here are some photos and videos posted by celebrities on Instagram:

Eleni Menegaki

Eleni Foureira

Sakis Tanimanidis and Christina Bompa.

Nikos Moutsinas

Peggy Zina

Konstantina Spyropoulou

Danai Barka

Dionisis Sxoinas

Sissy Christidou

Katerina Kainourgiou

Myronas Stratis

Eleftheria Eleftheriou

Nikoletta Ralli

Katerina Geronikolou

Dimitra Sigala

Stamatina Tsimtsili

Zeta Douka

Ilias Vrettos

Angela Gerekou and Maria Voskopoulou

Giannis Tsimitselis

READ MORE: Konstantinos Argyros snowboards on the streets of Kolonaki.

Athens Bureau