Princess Tatiana of Greece launches new project

By 2 years ago

Princess Tatiana of Greece and Denmark has embarked on a new project called “BREATHE,” which was created out of Princess Tatiana’s passion and dedication to well-being.

BREATHE has said the project “was created to destigmatise mental health, promote self-care and advocate for those who are silenced by any and all mental health issues. BREATHE acts as an umbrella initiative, creating partnerships for impact around emotional well-being, in an effort to create healthier communities.”

BREATHE describes what they do on their website: “Mental health is an integral and essential component of health. BREATHE has identified existing resources that can immediately support Greeks in their individual needs. This platform serves to inform & highlight the different options for mental health, as not one method works for everyone. We want you to have the option to determine what best suits your needs, at this moment.”

During the launch, Her Royal Highness stated: “I felt a need, now more than ever, to launch an initiative, starting in Greece, focused around (re)building healthy, resilient and compassionate communities whilst raising awareness around mental health. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Princess Tatiana has always been passionate about emotional well-being due to the loss of her father to depression when she was seven-years-old. As a result, his death and the silence surrounding it dramatically shaped her life. She has dedicated her career to creating a positive social impact due to the challenges she faced as a child.

Princess Tatiana of Greece and Denmark is the wife of Prince Nikolaos – the son of former King Constantine II and Queen Anne Marie. As such, she is a member of the Greek and Danish royal families through marriage.
