Greece closes Sputnik

By 2 years ago

Sputnik's newsroom is writing its last article and it is nothing more than a bitter and unfair farewell to the blackening of a site that employed dozens of employees who were suddenly left without a voice and a job.

The Greece of "Democracy", the Europe of "rights and freedom", closed Sputnik.

Sputnik, which operated in Greece and was staffed by journalists, reporters, administrative staff and everyday people with passion and faith who worked very hard to inform everyone.

Under the threat of severe sanctions and with masterfully designed methods of technological and economic silencing, Europe and Greece do not allow Sputnik to continue its operation.

Under the pretext of stopping "propaganda," European institutions and governments show what they really want: to control what is broadcast, what news is right and what needs to be cut and to disappear.

At the same time, of course, they make a choice that is extremely dangerous for the future of the peoples of Europe: They choose to return to the Middle Ages, they choose a neo-McCarthyism, creating dangerous legacies for the future of the press.

In Greece, despite the experience of with ERT in 2013, journalists and associations fell silent and disappeared.

Individual journalists, citizens, and even parties talked about the blackening on Sputnik, blasted this anti-democratic decision, talked about the blow to the freedom of the press.

The Unions are still meeting or - even worse - silent.

Let it be, and when the time comes let them ask themselves: Who was finally on the right side of history and how much share of responsibility they brought to the dozens of colleagues who found themselves without a job.

The employees of Sputnik Hellas.

READ MORE: Professor Stylianou on EU’s decision to ban RT, Sputnik: “Media should not be silenced.”

Tags: Sputnik