Athens Epidaurus Festival has kicked off

By 2 years ago

Athens Epidaurus Festival has from June 1st to August 20th, 2022.

This year, the Festival will take place in four emblematic places in Athens and Epidaurus (Odeon of Herodes Atticus in Athens, Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, LittleTheater of Ancient Epidaurus and at the Peiraios 260, a former industrial site in Athens, as well). According to the Festival's artistic director, Katerina Evangelatos the #AEF aims to become a meeting point for dialogue and reflection, a versatile hub where artists give birth to new ideas highlighting humanity’s perpetual questions.

About 70 productions and 2,000 artists, both Greek and foreign, will be welcomed by the 67th edition of the Festival. Internationally renowned artists such as Max Richter, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Patti Smith, Lori Anderson, Jan Garbarek, Misa Maisky, Philip Ken, Ivo van Hove, Leonidas Kavakos, Maria Farantouri, Giannis Houvardas, Vassilis Papavassiliou and others. At the same time, the Festival is open to #research and #experimentation, aiming to make the Festival a platform for discovery, emotional uplift and dialogue between the artists and the audience.
