Shi'a group attacks Turkish military base: "Ottoman Empire won't be established on Iraqi lands" (VIDEO)

By 2 years ago

An Iraqi Shia militia group has vowed to fight back against Turkey in its plans for territorial expansion at Iraq's expense.

Calling itself the Ababil Brigade, a member in a published video claimed that they targeted a Turkish military base near the Iraqi-Turkish border.

Speaking about the attack with a “Murad 6” suicide drone, he said: “The Ottoman Empire will not be established in Iraqi lands as long as the blood runs in our veins."

Meanwhile, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein told journalists that the UN Security Council was asked to adopt a resolution requesting that Turkey withdraw its army from Iraqi Kurdistan.

In April, Ankara started its military operation against Kurdistan Worker Party (PKK) fighters in northern Iraq, a Kurdish militant group that Ankara recognises as a terrorist organisation.

According to the office of the Iraqi president, the Turkish military operation is a threat to the country's national security.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Turkey's goal is to protect its borders.

"We asked the members of the Security Council to adopt a resolution asking Turkey to withdraw their army from Iraqi Kurdistan," Hussein said.

He also said Iraq believes the situation between Baghdad and Ankara should be on the UN Security Council agenda because these kinds of activities cause concern.

The meeting of the UN Security Council followed an incident in Dohuk in northern Iraq, where reported shelling by Turkish forces took place on July 20, killing nine people and leaving 30 wounded.

Border incidents between Iraq and Turkey are common, with Ankara trying to suppress the presence of Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq.

READ MORE: Pakistani military chief: We value our brotherly relations with Turkey which are deeply rooted in history & culture.

Athens Bureau