Arriving aboard his luxurious yacht, the iconic basketball player, renowned for his time with the Los Angeles Lakers in the 80s, commenced his tour of the Greek islands. During his journey, he crossed the Isthmus of Corinth and took the opportunity to share this extraordinary experience with his online followers. In a post on social media, he expressed his exhilaration, recounting the awe-inspiring sight he witnessed as he travelled from the Ionian Sea to the Aegean through the Corinth Canal.
"The canal first opened in 1893, was absolutely beautiful," he joyfully exclaimed. Magic Johnson's Greek adventures continue to captivate the attention of admirers worldwide, and he joins other notable figures like tennis legend Rafa Nadal, who also recently experienced the wonders of the Isthmus of Corinth.
Magic Johnson is accompanied by his wife and children, who announced their presence in our country a few days ago via social media. All of them wore t-shirts with the logo of the Washington Commanders, the NFL team recently acquired by Magic Johnson's company for $6.5 billion.
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