PIERS MORGAN: King Charles named in book as one the 'racists' Megan Markle accused of querying her son's skin colour

By 6 months ago

British journalist Piers Morgan has blown the lid on the secrecy surrounding the two royals who allegedly queried the skin colour of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's son during private royal family conversations, with the issue first revealed during an Oprah interview given by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

During his show UNCENSORED, Morgan said that the names of the royals in question were accidentally published in the Dutch edition of the book “Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival,” by royal biographer and friend of the Sussexes Omid Scobie and that he did not believe anything surrounding the accusations.

When the Dutch publisher realised the error they immediately recalled the books off the shelves, in order to pulp them and republish without naming the two royals. But by then it was too late, prompting Morgan to reveal the names.

Morgan said that King Charles and Catherine, Princess of Wales were the two royals originally named in the book who allegedly queried at the time, the potential looks and skin colour of the forthcoming child the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

However, Prince Harry contradicted his wife, when he denied the accusations of racism against the Royal family a year after Megan Markle implied the Royals were racist during the infamous Oprah Interview.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.