New Leader for Orthodox Church in Mexico: Metropolitan Iakovos Enthroned

By 2 months ago

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico has a new leader: Metropolitan Iakovos. His official enthronement ceremony was held on Saturday, March 16th, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Wisdom of God.

The ceremony was attended by dignitaries from Mexico, Greece, and various other countries, including Panama, Cuba, the United States, and several European nations. Religious leaders from different Christian denominations were also present, highlighting the interfaith spirit of the event.

In his enthronement speech, delivered in Greek, English and Spanish, Metropolitan Iakovos emphasised several key points. He pledged to be a leader who serves the entire community, young and old, regardless of background.

While embracing innovation, Metropolitan Iakovos stressed the importance of upholding the Church's rich history and spiritual heritage. He also highlighted the Church's role in caring for the vulnerable, referencing the needs of women, youth, and victims of human trafficking.

Prior to the enthronement, Metropolitan Iakovos visited an NGO supporting underprivileged children and held a roundtable with women's rights activists. These interactions underscored his commitment to social justice issues.

The new Metropolitan concluded his speech by asking for forgiveness and expressing hope for a future, free of suffering. The ceremony marked the beginning of a new chapter for the Greek Orthodox Church in Mexico, with Metropolitan Iakovos leading the way.

(Source: Vema of the Church)

Charlie Kowalenko