The secrets to properly desalting cod

By 2 months ago

Salted cod is eaten all year round, but traditionally on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos on March 25 and Palm Sunday. Because it could be perfectly preserved in salt and be delivered to even the most remote mountainous regions of Greece, it was called "the fish of the mountain."

Whether we choose salted cod with the bone or filleted, ensure that the fillet and the salt it has been preserved in are coarse enough. If it has yellow or dark spots on its flesh, it means that it is perennial.

See the steps for properly desalting cod:

1. With kitchen scissors, remove the tail and fins.

2. With a sharp knife, lift the skin on the tail, pull it and remove it. Rinse the fish well with water.

3. Cut it into pieces and put it in a bowl with plenty of water, which is changed every 3-4 hours. Depending on the fillet, the process usually takes 36 to 48 hours. Try a small piece to see if it has been properly desalted.

READ MORE: Cod and skordalia: Five taverns in Athens for this traditional March 25 dish.

Paul Antonopoulos