Fire Damages Holy Church of St Andrew in Noarlunga

By 2 months ago

The Holy Archdiocese of Australia is saddened to report a fire that occurred at the Holy Church of St Andrew in Noarlunga on Saturday evening, March 30th, 2024.

Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze, and thankfully, no injuries were reported. While the cause of the fire remains undetermined and not considered suspicious, the extent of the damage is currently being assessed.

The parishioners of St Andrew's are understandably devastated by the incident. However, a spirit of determination prevails as they pledge to come together and assist in the church's restoration.

"Tragedies are never welcome," stated His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, the Archepiscopal Vicar of Adelaide, offering condolences on behalf of Archbishop Makarios of Australia. "But with God's help, we will find strength to overcome them. This event may fall during the solemn season of Lent, a time for reflection and repentance, but it also strengthens our faith and resolve. The Church will be rebuilt, for the Church embodies the spirit of Christ. Just like Christ, the Church may be tested, but it will never be truly broken. Through perseverance and faith, it will rise again, stronger than before."

The Holy Archdiocese is urging the community to offer their support, both in spirit and through any potential future fundraising efforts, as the Parish of St Andrew embarks on the journey of rebuilding their cherished church.

