New Study Confirms Ancient Greek Physicians' Theory Connecting Lunar Calendar and Menstrual Cycles

By 1 month ago

In a groundbreaking revelation, a recent study has solidified the longstanding association between the lunar calendar and women's menstrual cycles.

Conducted by researchers from France and the US, the study delved into menstrual cycle data from 3,296 European women and 721 North American women. Their objective? To ascertain whether menstruation onset correlated with specific lunar phases.

The findings unveiled intriguing patterns: women in North America were more likely to commence their menstrual period during a full moon, while their European counterparts tended to sync with the waxing crescent phase.

The researchers attribute this synchronisation to a woman's internal clock, newly identified as a governing factor in menstruation regulation. This internal clock, responsible for our body's circadian rhythm—a 24-hour cycle governing waking and sleeping patterns—is susceptible to lunar influence.

The study reveals that disruptions in circadian rhythms, induced by lunar cycles, can impact menstruation. Neuroscientist Claude Gronfier from the University of Lyon explains that when the menstrual cycle lengthens, the body's internal clock swiftly adjusts to shorten it, a process termed 'phase jumps.'

These phase jumps, akin to the disorientation experienced when travelling across time zones, underscore the intricate interplay between our biological clocks and lunar cycles.

Analysing data from over 7,000 women across continents, the researchers observed instances where menstruation aligned with lunar phases, particularly during the new moon or full moon when gravitational pulls are strongest.

The study builds upon prior research indicating intermittent synchronisation between menstrual cycles and lunar phases, particularly among women with longer menstrual cycles.

Gronfier emphasises the potential implications of these findings for medical treatments, envisioning the application of chronobiological approaches to address ovulation disorders, echoing successes in treating cancer, sleep disorders, and depression.

The study also reflects on historical perceptions of the lunar-menstrual connection, tracing back to ancient Greek culture, where 'menstruation' finds its etymological roots in the Latin and Greek word for moon, 'mene.' Ancient Greek physicians attributed heightened mental and spiritual prowess to women during their menstrual periods, aligning with indigenous cultures' reverence for 'moon time,' a period of rest and reflection.

(Source: Daily Mail UK)

Charlie Kowalenko