Acropolis: Travel blogger says he was "super impressed" by wheelchair accessibility - Watch video

Published by
Paul Antonopoulos

Corey Lee has visited more than 40 countries on all continents and posts videos on TikTok about his experiences and the ease of travelling for wheelchair users.

Travel blogger Corey Lee shared his experience of visiting the Acropolis with his followers, stating that he was "super impressed" by the accessibility for wheelchair users.

Corey Lee has visited more than 40 countries on all continents and posts videos on TikTok of his experiences and how easy travelling is for people in wheelchairs.

Watch the video:

"Today was a great day at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece! I was super impressed with the wheelchair accessibility, especially with it being such a historic site. If you’ll be in Athens, this should definitely be a must-do!" the American blogger wrote on TikTok.

In the video he posted on TikTok of his visit to the iconic ancient site, Lee points out that a slope lift has been installed that allows those with mobility difficulties to quickly and easily reach the archaeological site with an impressive view during the ascent.

Lee then points out that the Acropolis has "really smooth paved paths," adding that it was "amazing to see."

He also explains that wheelchair accessibility at the ancient site is a project implemented during the pandemic.

"It was a great day," he concluded.

The construction

The wheelchair paths at the Acropolis were designed based on archaeological data. The paths restore the ancient traces of the Panathenaic road, allowing unhindered access to all the important points of the site.

For their construction, at a length of 500 metres, a special architectural concrete with a cement content of only 12% was chosen, i.e. similar materials used to complete monuments.

The Committee for the Maintenance of Acropolis Monuments first tested the materials on site. In fact, the project was implemented in a way that makes it completely reversible.

After installing wheelchair paths, the Ministry of Culture also installed a special path for people with visual impairments, further expanding the site's accessibility.

The path consists of 12 stops and four information stations and was sponsored by the Onassis Foundation in collaboration with the Lighthouse for the Blind of Greece.

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Copyright Greek City Times 2024
Paul Antonopoulos
Published by
Paul Antonopoulos
Copyright Greek City Times 2024