Greece’s Ministry of Culture

Summer hours of museums and archaeological sites in Greece

Greece's Ministry of Culture last week announced the summer hours for archaeological sites and museums will kick in later in…

April 5, 2021

Larissa earthquake damaged 16th century churches

Greece’s Ministry of Culture announced on Monday that several old churches of the Larissa region were damaged during the earthquakes…

March 9, 2021

Digital exhibition for the 2,500th Anniversary of The Battle of Thermopylae & Salamis

Greece's Ministry of Culture presents the digital exhibition "Proving History" to mark the 2500th anniversary of the Battle of Thermopylae and naval battle…

January 5, 2021

UNICEF lights up Acropolis, Sydney Opera House and other world monuments for children's rights

Greece's Ministry of Culture announced that the Athens Acropolis is to be lit blue on Wednesday evening, to mark the…

November 20, 2019

Greece now ‘officially owns’ the Acropolis

Greece’s Ministry of Culture announced on Tuesday that it had registered itself as ex-lege rightful owner of the Acropolis. In…

February 6, 2019

2,000 year old missing artefact shows up on island of Amorgos

Resolution of Nikouria Greece's Ministry of Culture announced on Friday that a 3rd century BC ancient stone tablet bearing a…

December 29, 2018

Huge discovery made as Ancient Tenea finally comes to light in Corinth

Excavation work that took place in Chiliomodi, south of Corinth, has brought to light architectural remains, which finally confirms the existence of…

November 14, 2018

Austria returns stolen antiquities to Greece

Greece’s Ministry of Culture announced on Monday that a total of 26 antiquities will be repatriated from Austria. According to…

November 20, 2017
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