
On this day in 323 BC: The Death of Alexander the Great

On June 10, 323 BC in the late evening, after battling an unknown illness for nearly two weeks, Alexander the…

3 years ago

Migration law changes in Greece - Pakistanis, Somalis & others not able to apply for asylum

Greece's decision to designate Turkey as a safe third country for asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia…

3 years ago

Greek flag raised over its embassy in Syria, reopening "within weeks"

Just a day after it was revealed that Cyprus is in the process of soon reopening its embassy in Syria,…

3 years ago

Cyprus prepares to reopen embassy in Syria

A contract was signed between the Syrian Bar Association and the Chargé d'Affairs of the Cypriot Embassy in Syria, Sivak…

3 years ago

Syria's Greek Orthodox celebrate Assad's victory in presidential election

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad won a fourth term in office with 95.1% of the votes. Following Assad's victory, Syria's Greek…

3 years ago

Syria's presidential elections opens for expatriates in Cyprus

Although the 2021 Syrian presidential election is not scheduled until May 26, voting stations for diaspora communities have opened, including…

3 years ago

SEE the photos of how Syria's Greek Orthodox celebrated Easter

Orthodox Christians celebrated Easter all over the world on the weekend, and the Greek Orthodox minority of Syria were no…

3 years ago

Syrian sentenced to 52 years for causing shipwreck, facilitating up to 40 illegal entrances into Greece

A court in Mytilene sentenced a Syrian for 52 years in prison on charges of not only illegally arriving on…

3 years ago

Dendias discusses Syria with UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen

Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias met with UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen on Tuesday evening on the sidelines…

3 years ago

Dendias heads to Geneva for 3-day meeting on Cyprus issue

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias is heading to Geneva on Tuesday to attend the informal 5+1 meeting on the Cyprus issue.…

3 years ago

Greek military chief: Syria's territory must be respected, all mercenaries and foreigners need to leave

The head of the Greek National Defence General Staff (GEETHA), General Konstantinos Floros, spoke about the common values ​​and common…

3 years ago

Dendias: Syria is a theatre for a merciless proxy war, its territorial integrity must be respected

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias highlighted at the 5th Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the Region”…

3 years ago

France could be using Greece for rapprochement with Syria

As part of Paris’ reengagement with Lebanon to bring political stability to the country, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian…

3 years ago

Greek Foreign Ministry: Foreign troops must leave Syria immediately

Days after the sombre 10 year anniversary since the beginning of the Syrian War, the Greek Foreign Ministry demanded through…

3 years ago

On this day in 1826, Greek Revolutionaries attempt to liberate Ottoman Beirut

On March 18, 1826, a small group of brave Greek Revolutionaries, led by Vasos Mavrovouniotis attempted to liberate the Ottoman-occupied…

3 years ago

Ten years since beginning of failed regime change operation against Syria

On this exact day ten years ago, NATO, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Turkey and Israel began a coordinated campaign of…

3 years ago

Dendias: Greece is ready to help UN efforts in Syria

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias announced Greece's readiness to assist United Nations efforts in Syria. Following a phone conversation with Geir…

3 years ago

Greek Ambassador to Lebanon meets with Syria-based Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch

The Greek Ambassador to Lebanon met with the Damascus-based Patriarch John X of Antioch on Wednesday. Ambassador Katrina Fontoulaki met…

3 years ago

Dendias: We consider our relations with Syria and Libya "extremely important"

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias commented that Greece considers its relations with Syria and Libya "extremely important." At the Conference of…

3 years ago

Iran-Iraq-Syria Friendship Pipeline could consolidate Greece as an energy hub

The Nord, Blue, Turk, Yamal and South Streams, as well as NordStream 2, are non-aligned pipelines that bring Russian gas…

3 years ago