North Macedonia: Mickoski challenges - "I will call my country Macedonia, if you want, let's go to The Hague"

North Macedonia's new prime minister, Christian Mickoski, has followed the line of the new president, Gordana Silianovska, in launching an…

May 17, 2024

September 27, 1905: Kapetan Kottas of the Maceodnian Struggle passes away

From Florina, Konstantinos Christou 'Kapetan Kottas' (1863 - September 27, 1905) was a Captain and Fighter during the Greek Struggle…

September 28, 2023

VMRO leader: I recognise the Prespa Agreement but I will never use "North"

Christian Mickovski, the leader of the North Macedonian right-wing opposition party VMRO-DPMNE, said in an interview on Sunday night on…

November 8, 2021

Zaev: "Macedonian" language and identity was never recognised before me

Newly resigned Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, responding to the opposition accusations of "betrayal" during his term as…

November 3, 2021

September 27, 1905: Kapetan Kottas of the Maceodnian Struggle passes away

From Florina, Konstantinos Christou 'Kapetan Kottas' (1863 - September 27, 1905) was a Captain and Fighter during the Greek Struggle…

September 28, 2021
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