A 3,000-Year-Old Olive Tree on the Greek Island of Crete Still Produces Olives Today

By 1 year ago

On the island of Crete, in the village of Vouves, stands an olive tree estimated to be 3,000 years old. Hearty and resilient, “the Olive Tree of Vouves” still bears fruit today. Because, yes, olives are considered a fruit.

The ancient olive tree known as "the olive tree of Vouves" on the Greek island of Crete is around 3,000 years old and still produces olives.

The tree is located in the village of Ano Vouves and has a trunk circumference of over 12 meters. It is considered one of the oldest olive trees in the world and has become a popular tourist attraction in Crete.

Despite its age, the olive tree continues to bear fruit, although its yield is not as great as it once was. The olives and tree products are used to make olive oil, which locals and tourists highly prize.

The olive tree of Vouves is a remarkable natural wonder but also a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Crete, where olive trees have been cultivated for thousands of years.

Across the Mediterranean, you can still find six other olive trees believed to be 2,000-3,000 years old–some of our last living ties to an ancient world. And beautiful ones at that.
