12 Deaths in 23 Days: Workplace Fatalities on the Rise in Greece

By 1 month ago

Recent reports from the Greek Federation of Technical Enterprises Workers' Associations (OSETEE) have revealed a troubling increase in workplace fatalities across Greece. In the year 2024, a total of 31 individuals have lost their lives due to work-related accidents, with an additional 60 individuals sustaining serious injuries.

Over the past 23 days, twelve workers have tragically lost their lives while on the job, shedding light on the pressing need for enhanced safety protocols and stricter enforcement measures in various industries. Particularly concerning is the rise in fatalities within the construction sector, with four deaths occurring within the span of just five days.

These figures starkly contrast with the previous year, which saw 179 fatalities and 287 serious injuries, prompting renewed calls for action to address workplace safety concerns. Despite ongoing efforts to improve conditions, workers continue to face significant risks while carrying out their duties.

In response to these concerning trends, OSETEE has emphasised the importance of implementing comprehensive measures and fostering constructive dialogue to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of workers across Greece. Further announcements regarding future actions are expected in the coming days as stakeholders work towards finding effective solutions to this pressing issue.

(Source: Efsyn)

Charlie Kowalenko