
Mytilene: Teacher put chilli in student's mouth - The parents complaint

A serious complaint about the teaching practices of a teacher in a primary school in Mytilene was recently exposed. The…

October 22, 2022

Sixteen African women died in shipwreck off Lesvos - "Urgent call to Turkey to take immediate action"

Sixteen young women of African origin were recovered dead, according to the latest report from the shipwreck of a boat…

October 6, 2022

Top 100 World Geological Heritage Sites: Lesvos Petrified Forest and Santorini's Caldera make the list

October 6 marks World Geodiversity Day, which also means that many locations are evaluated by an International Committee to create…

October 6, 2022

Turkish media: "We can hit Greece and they can hit us from the islands"

Sticking to the pro-war climate, the Turkish media networks present former military analysts, who analyse attacks on Samos and Lesvos…

September 28, 2022

Athens immediately rejects Turkish complaints about military movements on the Greek islands

Responding to a related communication, which Turkey made earlier today to the Greek Ambassador in Ankara, Christodoulos Lazaris, Athens rejected…

September 27, 2022

Turkish tourist boat raises flag of genocide perpetrator Atatürk in Mytilene port

A flag of genocide-perpetrator Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was hoisted on Monday afternoon by a sailing boat docked in the port…

June 8, 2022

The Lesvos Bull Sacrifice: An Agios Haralambos Church tradition with ancient roots

Few know that a village in the Aegean island of Lesvos island holds a festival from July 11 to 13…

April 28, 2022

North Aegean Greek islands-Turkish ports ferry services resume after 2-year pause

Ferry routes connecting Greek islands in the north Aegean Sea with Turkish ports will be relaunched in March after a…

March 19, 2022

Six bodies wash up on Greek island of Lesvos

Greece’s coast guard says six bodies have been recovered from the shore of the eastern island of Lesvos, and authorities…

March 1, 2022

Greek Super Granny' who assisted Europe-bound refugees dies at 96

Efstratia Mavrapidou, who was part of a triad of older Greek women who earned global awareness at the height of…

February 19, 2022

Efstratia Mavrapidou: "Yiayia of Lesvos" and Nobel Peace nominee died at the age of 96

Efstratia Mavrapidou, one of the three yiayias (grandmothers) of Sykamnia that was nominated for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize, died…

February 16, 2022

Vatican Releases Itinerary for Pope's journey to Cyprus and Greece

The Holy See Press Office releases the programme of the Pope's journey to Cyprus and Greece scheduled from 2 to…

November 14, 2021

The liberation of Lesvos from the Ottoman Empire began on this day in 1912

The Greek fleet, led by Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis, started from the bay of Moudros in Lemnos on the night of…

November 9, 2021

Priest in Lesvos performs Divine Liturgy despite having COVID-19

A priest in Lesvos, who was ill with COVID-19, performed the Divine Liturgy normally on the day of the feast…

November 6, 2021

Pope Francis to Visit Cyprus, Greece, First Weekend of December

"I will be visiting Greece and Cyprus in the first weekend of December," Pope Francis told Argentinian news agency Telam…

October 23, 2021

Koukos de Lab: Making Furniture from Olive Seeds

Irene Moutsogianni and Chris Ververis are two young friends from Lesbos who make furniture using an original raw material: olive…

October 16, 2021

Greece opens its first 'closed' camp for asylum seekers

Greece will inaugurate the first of five new "closed" migrant camps on its Aegean islands on Saturday Greece on Saturday…

September 19, 2021

Greek Orthodox and Catholic priests pray in Mytiline for all refugees

Representatives of the Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches, along with migrants, joined in a prayer for all refugees at Epano…

August 18, 2021

GREECE ON FIRE: Three suspected arsonists arrested in last 24 hours

Three suspected arsonists were arrested in the last 24  hours since yesterday announced the Greek Fire Brigade, according to Greek…

August 11, 2021

Mitarachi: We entered Turkish waters to save migrants from a wreck

Turkey was blamed by Minister of Immigration and Asylum Notis Mitarachi for a shipwreck in the sea area between northern…

July 30, 2021
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