Categories: Greek NEWS

Spartans Party Excluded from European Elections by Decision of Supreme Court

Published by
Charlie Kowalenko

In a significant decision, the A1 Section of the Supreme Court has ruled that the Spartans party will not be allowed to participate in the upcoming European elections scheduled for June 9th. This decision raises questions about the future of the party's parliamentary representation, as they currently hold 12 seats in Parliament.

The Electoral Court is anticipated to issue a verdict in the coming days, possibly before Easter, determining the fate of the Spartans party and the allocation of their parliamentary seats. This decision follows opposition from New Democracy, PASOK, and New Left, who collectively filed a memorandum urging the Supreme Court to block the Spartans' participation in the elections. Criticism was also directed towards SYRIZA-PS for what was perceived as delayed action in responding to the situation.

The Supreme Court's ruling is expected to provide a legal framework for the Electoral Court's decision. However, the key question remains: What will happen to the 12 parliamentary seats currently held by the Spartans?

Under existing legislation, two scenarios are plausible: either rerunning elections in constituencies where Spartan MPs were elected, or redistributing the seats proportionally among other parties.

The legal saga surrounding the Spartans party intensified on April 4th when the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court ordered the prosecution of 11 Spartan MPs, excluding party leader Vasilios Stiga, for voter fraud. Subsequently, three MPs have distanced themselves from the party, leaving the Spartans' parliamentary group with seven members.

(Source: Efsyn)

Copyright Greek City Times 2024
Charlie Kowalenko
Published by
Charlie Kowalenko
Copyright Greek City Times 2024