Greek Deputy Foreign Minister for the Diaspora Greeks Resigns

Antonis Diamataris


Antonis Diamataris
The former minister attending the Vespers service at St Nicholas church Marrickville earlier tonight Thursday 5th December 2019

Greece's Deputy Foreign Minister for Diaspora Greeks, Antonis Diamataris  resigned from his post after landing in Sydney, Australia where he was scheduled to meet with the leading members and organisations of the Greek diaspora.

The resignation comes after the recent controversy over the now former Deputy Foreign Minister claiming to having a MBA from Columbia university. However, sections of the media discovered that he never completed the masters he had put on his CV.

According to sources, it appears Prime Minister Mistotakis had no choice but to accept the resignation given the scale of the scandal and Diamataris' claim of qualifications he never had.

Furthermore, the source noted that the now former Deputy Foreign Minister is flying out of Australia and heading back to Greece tomorrow evening.