Thessaloniki Metro will be delivered in 2024

thessaloniki metro

The investigation of the Tempe accident is progressing with the assistance of the European Railway Service, Christos Staikouras said from the floor of the Parliament.

He explained the 20 actions planned in the previous six months while referring to the new ones, i.e. the progress in the construction of emblematic public projects as well as the strengthening of transport safety.

Among the 20 initiatives planned for 2024 is the completion of large public projects, such as the Metro of Thessaloniki, the road connection Aktio – Ambrakia, sections of Highway E-65 up to Kalambaka, as well as parts of the new highway Patras – Pyrgos.

At the same time, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport announced that the Athens-Thessaloniki connection would be reopened to the public, following temporary restoration following the natural disasters.

By April '24, the first 250 electric buses are expected, while natural gas buses are scheduled in 2024-2025. In addition, within '24, the new competition for buses with anti-pollution functions.

And finally, transport in Thessaloniki is being strengthened with the metro delivery within the new year.

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