Netflix: Two more Greek series on the platform from January 15

Sose Me, Save Me, Serres, Netflix

After "Maestro", two more Greek television series will feature on Netflix from January 15. These are "Serres" (directed by Stamatis Patronis) and "Save Me" (directed by Pierros Andrakakos), as confirmed by their actors on Instagram.

For "Save Me", in particular, the protagonist Elena Mavridou wrote in her post:


"'Save me' from 15/01 is on the Netflix platform!

"A series we worked on with passion! Love to all colleagues, contributors, friends, and to those of the viewers who loved our series.

"After 'Maestro', two more Greek series are coming to the platform.

"Available on Netflix from January 15."

Screenwriter and actor Giorgos Kapoutzidis honoured his creation, "Serres", and this international recognition with an Insta story, where he commented: "Serres continues its journey on Netflix! From January 15."

"Save Me"

Sose Me Save Me Netflix

A lonely woodcarving artist, Nicole Pomanou (Danae Skiadi), returns to her village in Komotini to meet her family at her father's memorial service. The day after her arrival, her younger sister, Alcesti, disappears.

A few kilometres away, the police officer Despina Loukidis (Elena Mavridou) arrives in Komotini to take over the investigation of the murder of a young woman. Her body is discovered in the National Park of Thrace.

The victim's eyes have been removed. And this is only the beginning...


Serres Netflix

The hero of the series, Odysseus, lives in Athens away from his family. The complicated relationship with his father, Lefteris, has led to their estrangement. However, when an unpleasant event forces Odysseus to return to Serres, everything begins to change.

Thus, two strangers in the same house, in the same city, father and son, start from scratch to get to know each other. With Chrysa at his side and Stamatina, Nancy and Thomas opposite him, Odysseus will help his father get back on his feet.

Check out both posts below:


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