Mitsotakis: Greece will continue to work for the security, stability and peace in the Eastern Mediterranean

Greek PM Mitsotakis at Davos

"Greece welcomes the positive steps toward the long awaited accession of Sweden to NATO and is looking forward to the completion of the procedure" Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis stated to the public broadcaster ERT and to the website Hellas Journal on Saturday.

"It will further strengthen the Alliance, something which is extremely important, especially in today's geopolitical framework. Greek supports the overall strengthening of NATO which should take into account all the state-members' concern for their security. Greece will continue to work for the security, stability and peace in the Eastern Mediterranean in the context of NATO and EU" he said.

Mitsotakis also spoke of the sealing of the strategic depth of the Greek-US relations as well as for the shielding of Greece via the increase of the deterrent power on land, sea and air, without burdening the Greek tax payer, after the letter he received from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the acquisition of up to 40 F-35 fighter jets of 5th generation as well as frigates, tanks and other defence material.

"This development justifies the active and credible diplomacy we are following everywhere in the last years" he said.

Mitsotakis also said that "today is a very important day for the national defence and for the Greek diplomacy because due to the letter I received from US Secretary of State, the strategic depth of the Greek-US relations is highlighted and is the result of a methodic, silent and long effort that combined Greece's alliance consistency in the international fronts with the promotion of its national interests.

"In a period of uncertainty, our country reaffirms that it stands with seriousness and geopolitical maturity in the international map while at the same time it serves its national rights with the shielding of its defence. On the path of stability and peace always with pride and national confidence" he concluded.

Mantzos on US government's decision to give the green light for the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey

Opposition PASOK-Movement for Change parliamentary group spokesperson Dimitris Mantzos in an interview with the public broadcaster ERT radio on Saturday referred to US government's decision to give the green light for the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey stated "It confirms our fear that Turkey continues the bargaining with the West in its own interest. I wonder how our country can receive guarantees that these weapons and mostly the aircraft will not be used in an undesirable involvement scenario against our country, Mantzos said

He also reiterated the need for the government to brief the political forces and estimated that "what we should understand as a country is that our privileged area is EU. The strengthening of the Common Foreign Policy and Civil Security in EU is a one way road".

READ MORE: Mitsotakis on F-35 purchase: Today is a very important day for Greece’s defence.