Greek-Canadian Diaspora to Welcome Greek Prime Minister to Toronto

Prime Minister Mitsotakis will address the Greek-Canadian diaspora at the Toronto Convention Center on Monday, March 25, 5-7 PM

The Archdiocese of Canada, the Greek Community of Toronto, the Hellenic Heritage Foundation, The Hellenic Initiative Canada, and the Hellenic Canadian Board of Trade announced on March 14 that they are hosting Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis for a public address titled ‘Greece and Canada Moving Forward Together.’

On the first official visit of a Greek Prime Minister to Canada in more than four decades, Prime Minister Mitsotakis will address the Greek-Canadian diaspora at the Toronto Convention Center on Monday, March 25, from 5 to 7 PM. This will be the culmination of this year’s celebrations for Greek Independence Day.

The Greek Prime Minister's visit is a milestone for bilateral relations. It seeks to expand the strong ties between Canada and Greece and reiterate the two countries’ historic partnership. The visit also holds special importance for Hellenism in Canada, as it will honour and highlight the enduring bonds between Greece and its diaspora communities worldwide.

In his address to Toronto’s vibrant Greek-Canadian community, Prime Minister Mitsotakis will share his perspective and vision for Greece's future, its foreign policy, and its relations with Canada. His public address will also provide the opportunity for the Greek-Canadian diaspora to mark Greece’s Independence in the presence of the Greek Prime Minister and celebrate our shared heritage, culture, and strong community ties.

This event has already sold out and reached its maximum event capacity of 1,200 guests.