Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange's Release and the Battle for Journalism (video)

In a recent video, Yanis Varoufakis delivers a powerful address on Julian Assange's release, encapsulating both celebration and critique. Varoufakis champions the hard-fought victory for Assange's freedom while condemning the erosion of journalistic integrity throughout his ordeal.

In a recent video, Yanis Varoufakis delivers a powerful address on Julian Assange's release, encapsulating both celebration and critique. Varoufakis champions the hard-fought victory for Assange's freedom while condemning the erosion of journalistic integrity throughout his ordeal.

With poignant insights and unwavering advocacy, Varoufakis ignites a call to action, urging viewers to confront the broader implications for press freedom and to stand in solidarity with whistleblowers worldwide

Here is a summary of Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange's release by DiEM25:

This video is about Julian Assange's release and the fight for his freedom. Yanis Varoufakis, the speaker of the video, celebrates Assange's release but also criticizes how journalism has been compromised throughout this ordeal.

The video starts with Varoufakis acknowledging the difficulty of the fight for Assange's release. He mentions there were moments when they felt the fight was lost. However, due to relentless efforts from people like himself and viewers like you, there has been a major victory. The US government has been forced to give up on its attempt to imprison Assange.

Varoufakis explains the details of Assange's release. Assange is being flown to a location near Guam. He will not be imprisoned but will have to appear in court and accept the charges against him. This is a significant defeat for journalism as Assange is being forced to admit guilt for telling the truth.

Varoufakis criticizes the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, etc., for not defending Assange during his persecution. He calls this a dark period for journalism.

Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange's release

The speaker also criticizes Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn for distancing themselves from Assange due to political pressure. Varoufakis believes this is a betrayal of comrades.

Finally, Varoufakis calls for the fight to continue. He mentions other whistleblowers like David McBride, who are still imprisoned and urges viewers to keep fighting for them. He believes this is just the beginning of the fight for freedom of speech and journalism.

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