Greece moving forward with German War reparations report


Germany WWII Athens

A special committee set up to investigate the war reparations Greece is seeking from Germany, is expected to complete its major report by the end of 2018, Parliament Speaker Nikos Voutsis said on Wednesday.

Speaking with state broadcaster ERT, Voutsis said, “The Prime Minister has recently made statements and I have repeatedly said it before. The report on the special committee established to examine the issue of the German war reparations will come to Parliament and will be taken into account. There will be a demand at a transnational and legal level.”

He added that the authorities had not pursued the matter while Greece was in the bailout phase so as not to appear that "a sacred issue" for the Greek people was being traded off against the demands of creditors.

In February 2015, Tsipras demanded Germany pay the complete reparations to Greece. On 6 April 2015, Greece evaluated the war reparations to be the equivalent of 279 billion euros, however, Germany replied that the reparations issue was resolved in 1990.

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