Heartbreaking farewell as young Evzone is laid to rest


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Family, friends, colleagues, and soldiers bid their heartbreaking final farewell to 24-year-old Evzone Spyros Thoma, who died suddenly on Thursday after serving at the Tomb of the Uknown Soldier.

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The funeral of Spyros took place in the presence of hundreds of soldiers of the Armed Forces who are all left heartbroken by the passing of their colleague.

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Last Thursday, the 24-year-old young man from Patras performed a one-hour service at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument at noon from 1-2 pm and again in the evening from 7 - 8 pm.  He returned to the Presidential Guard's premises and was feeling unwell and lay down. At 10 pm, two fellow soldiers approached him to get up and as he stood up he fell to the floor.

He was taken to the 401 Military Hospital, where he later passed away.

According to the latest reports Thomas was not suffering from any health issue, as the young man was also a professional basketball player and had recently undergone thorough medical checks, which were all clear.

Greek Presidential Guards in mourning after Evzones passes away