Giannis Hatzopoulos Greek singing impersonator gets 10 million views on YouTube (VIDEO)

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Giannis Hatzopoulos


A Greek singing impersonator has 10 million views on YouTube with his series of videos you’ll have to see for yourself to believe.

ANT1's Your Face Sounds Familiar singer Giannis Hatzopoulos, has become an internet sensation with his impersonations of Greek singers. His talent and vocal ability to imitate so many like Vasilis Karras, Giannis Ploutarhos, Giorgos Mazonakis, will leave you astounded. With his brother Vasilis Hatzopoulos accompanying him on the keyboard, Giannis has uploaded a series of videos on his YouTube channel in parts showcasing his unique talent.

The gifted artist at 7-years-old studied the violin for ten years. From an early age, he learned to train and cultivate his voice by singing traditional (nisiotika and laika) songs that stemmed from his musical family environment where his first introduction to music and love for singing came from.

Watch the video here to see and hear for yourself, it's unbelievable!

Video Credit – Giannis Hatzopolous YouTube Channel