Mitsotakis: Greece welcomes the day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia


"Greece in the 21st century welcomes the day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia by fighting to eradicate the sad reasons that caused it to be established," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis wrote on his Facebook account on Monday.

The post was written in the context of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

"With horizontal legislative measures in the workplace and every sector of public life," he said, adding:  "With initiatives such as shaping a National Strategy for the equality of LGBTQI+."

"But also with behaviours that overcome stereotypes and promote creative coexistence," Mitsotakis continued.

The prime minister noted that there is no place in modern democracies for discrimination based on race, religion or sexual orientation.

"Nor does the 21st century tolerate violence, discrimination or hate speech regarding the identity, traits and expression of gender," he added, stressing that the state has an obligation to protect human rights in all their forms.

He emphasised the need to capitalise on the "wealth of differentness" for the progress of society and to overcome hidebound prejudices, promoting tolerance and cooperation between all citizens.

"This is the path that the country is moving on at present, with boldness, maturity and realism; because this is the only path that leads forward in life and our day-to-day culture," Mitsotakis added.

READ MORE: Monument dedicated to the Greek Genocide in Pontus unveiled in Connecticut.

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